Unlimited Type of control:
The first 50 pages are free to control the opening of the account (applies to standard controls are not customized versions)
Personalized checks are available in a variety of styles and scenes, the fee is charged for printing
All controls are magnetically (MICR) encoded with sequential numbering
The government can impose Stamp Duty
How to stop the payment instrument is available for a fee
FREE Internet Banking with payments of invoices. Some operations (eg, wire transfers), will attract individual payments
A declaration FREE is only available through our Internet Banking service
A mini-FREE declaration last 10 transactions are guaranteed through our Instant Teller
To send notifications, you may be asked to pay
The reports will be sent to customers of banks, Internet access
The FREE 24 - hour Automated Telephone Banking
A mechanism discovered Safra Bank can be defined in account in accordance with the agreement and meet the qualification criteria
Customers should not have any permission to submit to testing, if the funds are not held to account
Measures may be taken to set the orders against the customer's account to pay bills and loans, and to make transfers between accounts